This site would not be possible if not for the many Hamilton aficionados and collectors that have selflessly assisted me. There are several fine Hamilton websites but very few outstanding sites. I have listed those which I believe to be the best and most informative below.
This site would not exist if not for Bryan Girouard. Mr. Girouard's outstanding collection, knowledge and selfless assistance is not only greatly appreciated but crucial in my development and love of collecting Hamiltons. Many of the finest photographs, watches and information contained in this site are the work of Mr. Girouard himself and I greatly appreciate his mentoring me. His site can be found at:
And finally, special thanks to Rene Rondeau . . .
Mr. Rondeau's compilation entitled "Hamilton Wristwatches" is the source that I initially relied on as a reference for this website. His outstanding book is considered to be the "bible" of Hamilton collectors and may be purchased on Renee's site: